Proudly Serving the Greater Seattle Area with 24/7 Service.

Preparing for a Drain Cleaning Service

Have you had a lingering problem getting your kitchen sink to drain? Maybe you have utilized a DIY ‘drain snake’ a time or two, but the clog just doesn’t seem to go away for good. It is time for a professional to bring in their arsenal of tools to get that clog cleared for good! At Pipelining Northwest we have a variety of tools to help clear a drain clog and get your house’s plumbing back to normal working order. Right now is the time to call; we have a winter sale on our Jetter services and the 150$ savings is definitely a great value.

Preparing for a drain cleaning service is easy too! All we ask is that you create an easy access point by clearing a path from your front door to the drain in question, as well as removing items surrounding the drain in question. This helps us better gain access to the problem area and give us the space that our equipment needs. We also ask that you avoid using chemical drain cleaners, as they are dangerous and not suitable for your pipes. If you have any questions regarding preparing for a drain cleaning service, please reach out our team today!

Need a Free Estimate?

Pipelining Northwest offers free, no pressure, estimates for residental and commercial customers. We are available 24/7 for all your sewer related needs.
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